All sponge rubber packing for watertight doors need to be renewed. 所有水密门的多孔橡皮密封垫换新。
Measures for retrieve ball rate increasing of condenser cleaning device with sponge rubber ball 提高凝汽器胶球清洗装置收球率的措施
The washing effect of starch-fouled tubular membrane with sponge rubber balls ( solid)-water ( liquid) 2-Phase washing system was studied. 本文主要研究了用海绵橡胶球(固)-水(液)两相清洗系统对淀粉溶液污染的管式膜的清洗效果。
EVA, PET, sponge rubber, red type, paste, and processing. 海绵上胶,冲型,贴和等加工。
The testing results indicated that the adhesive could be used to make sponge surface well adhere to rubber and racket surfaces, and there was higher elasticity in the racket using the adhesive. 通过检测表明,胶粘剂对海绵与胶皮、木材也有很好的粘结效果,粘成的乒乓球拍有较好的弹性。
The mathematic model of sponge rubber's long time stress relaxation performance is got from the curve fitting of test results. 通过对试验结果进行的曲线拟合,得到了海绵橡皮长时应力松弛性能的数学模型;
First, rubber sponge balls are mainly synthesized with silicone rubber. 首先,以硅橡胶为主要原料合成生产了海绵橡胶球;
Discussion on the Pressure Curves of Expanding of Thermal-Vulcanized Sponge Silicone Rubber 热硫化型硅橡胶海绵胶料发泡压力曲线的探讨
Research and Production in Sponge Rubber Sealing Strip by Microwave Curing Continuously 微波连续硫化海绵橡胶密封条的研制
Constitutive model of the material is a key to CAE ( Computer Aided Engineering). Using the theory of continuum mechanics, strain energy density function of sponge rubber material is founded based on Ogden model. 材料的本构模型是进行CAE分析的关键,为此,在Ogden不可压缩应变能函数的基础上,利用连续介质力学理论,推导了可压缩海绵橡胶材料的应变能密度函数。
Channeling can be prevented by adding sponge iron and synthetic rubber powder in cement slurry. 提出消除微裂缝-微环隙的防窜措施,是在固井水泥浆中添加海绵铁及合成橡胶粉。
A hyperelastic constitutive model for sponge rubber 一种适合海绵橡胶材料的本构模型
Sponge rubber, which the seal is made up of, is a large deformation nonlinear elastic material. 海绵橡胶是密封条的重要组成部分,是一种可压缩的大变形非线性弹性材料。
In trial production for sponge rubber products, this high solid content SBR latex has shown similar properties with natural rubber latex. 产品用于制作泡沫海绵制品,其性能基本上与天然胶乳泡沫海绵制品相似。
In this paper, the characteristics of sponge rubber sealing strip by microwave curing continuously are introduced, as well as the design in the compound formula of sponge rubber sealing strip, the design in die sheet, and the determination in technological process and processing conditions. 介绍了微波连续硫化海绵密封条的特点,以及海绵密封条胶料配方的设计、口型设计、生产工艺路线和工艺条件的确定。
This paper introduces a few sponge-rubber pads that help master high jump technigues so that high jump teaching and training can benefit from it. 本文介绍跳高包对跳高技术掌握的几种作用,以求对跳高训练与教学有所帮助。
Study on Preparative Technology for Hot air vulcanized Silicone Sponge Rubber 热空气硫化硅橡胶海绵的制备工艺
Application of low Mooney viscosity, non pollution type NBR to thin camber sponge rubber was studied. 研究低门尼粘度、非污染型丁腈橡胶在薄型曲面海绵胶料中的应用。